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Heal From Trauma With Evren Technologies

Josh Kelly

Struggling With PTSD

Millions of Americans suffer from the debilitating symptoms that come from surviving trauma. PTSD affects everyone differently, but many experience extreme anxiety, depression, anger, social isolation, insomnia, and suicidality. Symptoms can interfere with someone’s interpersonal relationships and even prevent them from being able to work. Living with panic and flashbacks can leave a person too exhausted to conduct their daily lives.

Unfortunately, most of the current treatments available don’t do enough to eliminate symptoms of PTSD. Over 66% of patients who begin therapy are left still seeking relief from their most persistent symptoms. Prescription medications are available, but they are often accompanied by harsh side effects, and they provide only minimal relief to an estimated 20% of patients.

A Revolutionary Treatment

The Phoenix is a non-invasive treatment that helps alleviate symptoms of PTSD without medication. It utilizes the vagus nerve stimulation, which has been shown to drastically reduce or even eliminate PTSD symptoms.

The Phoenix is a portable earbud: it delivers a light electrical tingle to your vagus nerve, inducing a naturally calming effect. It only needs to be worn a few minutes a day in order to provide relief.

“I feel like I have a healthy balance with everything that made me unbalanced before” - Kano

In our clinical trials, an astounding 100% of participants wanted to keep using the device! Overall, 92% of participants experienced a decrease in symptoms.

Recently, the Phoenix was awarded a Breakthrough Device Designation by the FDA, which will help us fast-track our trials. Evren Technologies is dedicated to helping alleviate symptoms of PTSD for millions of people. We continue to further research in this developing field and will develop new technologies to help people rise above PTSD!

Invest in Evren Technologies

PTSD treatment is a $22.5B market that continues to grow every year. You can help us provide relief to those who need it most by investing in Evren Technologies for as little as $499.

Some of the perks of early investment include:

  • $5,000+ Investment - 5% bonus shares, 50% off device

  • $10,000+ Investment - 10% bonus shares, 50% off 2 devices

  • $25,000+ Investment - 15% bonus shares, 50% off 3 devices

  • $50,000+ Investment - 25% bonus shares, 50% off 4 devices

With the help of our growing investor community, we can alleviate the suffering of people with PTSD everywhere!

Visit our raise page on StartEngine today to learn more about the benefits of investing in Evren Technologies. Please share with your friends, family, and network!

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1 Kommentar

Unknown member
17. Jan. 2023

When will this device be available to the public?

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